STF prides itself on it's Health & Safety track record. We promote full staff participation in our safe operating and health and safety policies and have an established Health & Safety Policy, Manual, and prepare and implement Site Specific Safety Plans for every site.
The company holds the following qualifications:
# Health and Safety - Injury Prevention to ISO18000, BS8800 and AS/NZS 4804, AS3806,
AS/NZS 4360, NZS4801 (Summit Systems)
# ACC Workplace Safety Management Practices - Tertiary Level
# Site Safe
The company holds the following qualifications:
# Health and Safety - Injury Prevention to ISO18000, BS8800 and AS/NZS 4804, AS3806,
AS/NZS 4360, NZS4801 (Summit Systems)
# ACC Workplace Safety Management Practices - Tertiary Level
# Site Safe
Individual Staff also hold a variety of the following qualifications:
# Height and Harness Safety V2 (Site Safe) # Fire Safety Training (Firetech) # Workplace First Aid (A1 First Aid) # Level 1 Basic Traffic Controller (NZTA) # Temporary Traffic Management at Roadwork Sites (NZTA) # Wheels, Tracks and Rollers Endorsement # Dangerous Goods Training # Spill Response Training |